From the summary:
"As the world enters what is predicted to be a decade of dramatic economic and social upheaval, mass citizen uprisings are becoming increasingly common. These uprisings are mobilising massive numbers of people across the world or across countries. For example, at a global level, we’ve recently seen the biggest ever global climate protest, in which millions of mostly young students from 185 countries took part, and worldwide environmental protests by Extinction Rebellion. Then, at a country level, we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people take part in anti-government protests in Chile, and the Yellow Vest anti-government protests in France.
What are the knowledge management (KM) implications of this?
As well as there being a need for governments to embrace much better citizen engagement, for example through the co-creation of solutions, KM is just as relevant to protest movements as it is to any other type of organisation. Given the growing spread and scale of these movements, this application of KM is something that the KM community needs to start to consider.
In response, this three-part series from Meredith Lewis looks at the #NotMyDebt movement from a knowledge management perspective. #NotMyDebt arose in reaction to the Australian Government’s controversial “robodebt” program. Robodebt has recently been back in the headlines, with Opposition government services spokesman Bill Shorten announcing that a class action lawsuit that could deliver justice for tens of thousands of Australians will be brought against the Government."
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Real Knowledge Management