From the article:
"The senate motion is pushing for privacy and data security fixes for the encryption legislation in order for Australia to qualify for a data-sharing agreement that itself has a number of privacy and data security concerns surrounding it.
Electronic Frontiers Australia chair Lyndsey Jackson said the move by the Senate was “disingenuous”.
“We just keep digging a bigger and bigger politicised hole without stopping and looking at the actual problem with the legislation. It’s problematic to see encryption continuing to be used and leveraged like this,” Ms Jackson told
“While it’s good that there’s still something on the table and pressure and public debate, it’s disappointing we’re not getting any further with this. This is a symptom of this problematic approach of digital policy development. Bills are being leveraged against each other, and there’s no holistic view,” she said.
“It’s hard to not think this is a mess and the processes behind it are quite disingenuous. Seeing these things politicised is not a good way to create public policy.”"
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